Traae's Headshot photo.

Traae Bloxham

Software Engineer

About Me

I'm a recent graduate, looking for a start on my career. I'm hoping to carve out a life that let's me grow my skills and use my talents.

I chose a degree in Computer Science to exercie my inner engineer. Professionally I'm looking to engage my problem solving skills.

I have a minor in philosophy, and I'll certainly use it. I write and read in my free time. While not the skill set I'm currently acting on, if an opportunity presented itself I wouldn't be opposed to working on more abstract things.

I'm not perfect, but I'm always working to improve at everything. I do mean everything, I'm been trying to find the optimal oats and yogurt breakfast for the past month. Little experiments and iterations can lead to big results over time.


Luckily, I'm not pinned down to a single interest in my field, but this also means I have no idea what tools and skills would be best to study at the moment. Thus, I'm trying a little bit of everything.